Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tips on caring Midas Blenny

The midas blenny (Ecsenius midas) is from the family Blenniidae. This bottom dwelling species is native to the shallow water reef systems of the Indian Ocean.

The Midas Blenny is a hardy fish and easy to take care of. It is a great choice for amateur aquarists. In the proper environment you can expect these fish to live anywhere from 5 to 8 years.

Midas blennies are small fish. They can reach a maximum length of 5 inches but are more typically 3.5-4 inches. It has a slender, cylindrical shaped body that varies in color from solid golden-yellow to orange. There is a pale blue region on anterior of their under bodies and usually a brighter blue trim around their eyes. This fish's coloration will morph into a light gray when it is experiencing escalated stress levels. Blennies are often confused with another small bottom dwelling creature, the goby. Although they are closely related, blennies can be distinguished by the tiny antenna like appendages projecting from their heads. These appendages are called cirri. The Midas blenny is also marketed under the aquarium trade name Persian blenny.

Blennies are generally docile in temperament. They make an excellent addition to a community tank provided they are not mixed with larger more aggressive species. This species is rated reef safe. They will fit in perfectly in marine reef setups. They will not disturb your anchored inhabitants or your ornamental crustaceans. They do however often demonstrate territorial behavior toward other bottom dwelling fish and rival blenny species. Plenty of hiding places and an adequate food source will lessen these tendencies. You do not want to overcrowd your reef aquarium with bottom dwellers. The larger the bottom surface area, the more diverse a population you can realistically expect to maintain.

Blennies are hiders by nature. They will seek cover in the small cracks and crevices of rock work and create burrows for sanctuary at the base of these rocks. They will frequently be seen peaking out at their surroundings form the relative safety of theses borrows. The Midas will also spend a fair amount of time perched atop of rocks and coral formations near their burrows. This species swims very similarly to an eel. Its body undulates creating as a means of propulsion through the water. They commonly back into their burrows just like an eel would.

In an aquarium setting the Midas is not a particularly finicky eater. They will readily accept frozen foods, marine flakes and pellets. Make sure to provide them with plenty of protein to help maintain their vigor and coloration. They can be fed vitamin enriched brine shrimp, zooplankton and finely chopped fresh seafood such as shrimp, octopus and squid. You will also want to address their need for vegetable matter. They have an affinity toward micro and blue-green algae. A well established living rock collection will help give them plenty of options to choose from. A supplement of dried algae sheets is also a recommended.

The Midas blenny is an opportunistic omnivore. It has a higher concentration of protein based matter in its diet than most other blennies. It has even been known to nip at the fins of gobies and firefish.