Sunday, January 18, 2009

Not in Good Terms!

My heart feels so heavy. I'm still crying. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Why do we have to end?
Why is it easy for you to give up on me?

Save me please....:-(

Do love make every person cry and feel sad every time they are in not good term? Or this is just my first time dealing with love..

I pause a while and think, do we meant for each other or this is just only a challenge to make our relationship stronger..

But do we need to feel this hard to be in one..

But the ending of this one is just trying to feel what really love is and face every problem that we will encounter...

Monday, January 12, 2009

"Need your opinion..."

Its the silence that tells it all...
Sometimes its not about the yelling and tears...All it takes is for two people to sit beside each other and feel that something is wrong and realize that what was there before is not there anymore..
That they are miserable when they are apart, but are much worse when they are together and that theres only two options left:
Either they sit still and ignore the pain or one of them gathers enough courage to stand up and walk away..

"Need your opinion..."

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I hope I can do the same for you....

When I was younger, I knew girls exist to make man happy for a while and leave them with tears and pain after...
Now that I'm starting to love a woman, I hoped to be careful of my heart. But this love made me so careless and dumb...
GIRL hope you would not do anything that could hurt me because I'm, LOVING you with pure HONESTY and SINCERITY..
You made me believe that my heart never really got broken at all..
You made it whole..
I hope I can do the same for you....

Sunday, January 4, 2009

what a start?! "EYE BALL"

I had too much fear of starting a relationship AGAIN. I was scared to be with men and to love. That was the life I had before you came..

Out first meet was ordinary. It was actually CHEAP. You should know that I don't practice "EYE BALL" because it disgusts me. But I don't know what was behind the text messages we had that made me say "YES" for a cheap meeting just outside a KTV Bar. Then we took a ride which made me look like a driver and your the boss beside me. And it all went home, I kept on thinking about you.

Then as days passed, I know I have grown feelings for you which I attempted to control and stop because I'm too scared to get hurt.

-This message is the longest text I have ever written. Now tell me if you still think i', not serious with you."ILOVEYOUSO"

-What will be your reaction? Too many question but there will be one answer..