Monday, March 15, 2010

Bird Wrasse

Bird wrasse, Greenbird wrasse, Blackbird wrasse, Brownbird wrasse – many names but have one scientific name that is Paraluteres Prionurus. The different names do however have different meanings, so it can be good to clear this out once and for all. Bird wrasse is the name of the species. The name Greenbird wrasse refers to a male of the species Bird wrasse. The names Brownbird and Blackbird wrasse refer to females.

The Bird wrasse has a long narrow body with a long snout. The snout is not long in juveniles. The fish uses its snout is used to reach food in hard to reach places. Males are green. The green can be anything from olive to deep blue green. The females have this color on their posterior. The anterior is white whit brown spots. The snout on the females is orange. The Bird wrasse can not be said to be a sensitive and hard to keep species, but it isn't really a difficult species to care for either. It’s a good choice for aquarists that have kept marine fish for a while and feel comfortable caring for moderately sensitive fish. It is not suitable for beginners. The Bird wrasse can be kept as a singular fish or in pairs. If you want to keep a pair you should introduce the female before the male. The Bird wrasse is-semi aggressive towards other species and can be kept with most other suitably sized semi-aggressive fish species. Do not keep them with very aggressive fish such as triggers.

The bird wrasse originates from the Indo-Pacific. It can be found in almost the entire tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean; frrom the east coast of Africa via Australia and Hawaii to islands off the coast of Florida, United States. They are also humors that this fish really originated in a small island in the Philippines. Its distribution goes as far south as Australia and as far north as Japan. It is most common in the island rich area between Japan and Australia. It is found in areas with prolific coral growth at a depth of 0 -100 ft / 0-30 m.

The maximum size of this fish for Males 14 in (11 in) / 35 cm (27.5 cm more common). Females 6 in / 15 cm. The water pH they want to live is 8.1 to 8.4 with the temperature of 72 to 78ºF (22-26°C).

These fish live singly or in pairs and are tireless swimmers. Only put them in large aquariums since they need plenty of room to swim!


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